tf2statr v0.1.0 Released

September 16, 2015
Tags: R, tf2

This package tries to connect much of the TF2 ecosystem to explore basic statistics and open it up to statistical models available in R. The main driving force behind this project is actually the abundance of stats available due to automatically generated logs of each match. However, the querying this information is easiest to do right after a match or on a case by case basis. For insight on a whole period of time, over certain play styles, or with a certain level of competition, the process is tedious and prone to error.

The package is structured around the main function of grabbing the actual logs from This uses the JSON API provided by so all the raw values that are recorded can be examined as shown below.

map1UBFi55 <- "999065"
log <- getLog(map1UBFi55)


> [1] "teams"       "length"      "players"     "names"       "rounds"     
> [6] "healspread"  "info"        "killstreaks" "table"


>  [1] "team"          "kills"         "deaths"        "assists"      
>  [5] "suicides"      "kapd"          "kpd"           "dmg"          
>  [9] "dmg_real"      "dt"            "dt_real"       "hr"           
> [13] "lks"           "as"            "dapd"          "dapm"         
> [17] "ubers"         "drops"         "medkits"       "medkits_hp"   
> [21] "backstabs"     "headshots"     "headshots_hit" "sentries"     
> [25] "heal"          "cpc"           "ic"            "daphr"        
> [29] "hr_ratio"      "dmg_realpdmg"  "num_streaks"

log$table[,c("kills", "dmg")]

>                kills  dmg
> [U:1:31470213]    27 7503
> [U:1:10403381]    24 8215
> [U:1:2431135]      9 7405
> [U:1:25560164]     1  192
> [U:1:80143504]    15 6703
> [U:1:39592949]    15 8054
> [U:1:41611618]    14 7308
> [U:1:78056263]     0  266
> [U:1:25503021]    18 7212
> [U:1:40142806]    15 6786
> [U:1:47737701]    25 6692
> [U:1:47655495]    20 6738

Most of what you want to see in a log is compiled in the matrix ‘log$table’. Most of the columns are straight from the raw logs except for the dmg per amount of heals (daphr), percent of total heals received (hr_ratio), the ratio of the damage received by the opponent versus the dmg inflicted (dmg_realpdmg) and the number of kill streaks above 2 kills (num_streaks). The complicated variables “number of donks” are still found in the ‘log$player$[player_name]’. Medic stats are still in ‘medicstats’ though some of them has been integrated into the table. For a full list variables and their definitions look in ‘man/i55.Rd’

This seems dandy except for the row names being the steamID3. Its not very intuitive and I’m pretty sure no one remembers their steam IDs. One solution is to used the usernames used in the match that are still kept in “log$name”. This changes after games at the whim of the player so it would be hard to do a consistent analysis across a long period of time like a season. Players often have all sorts of extra characters, spaces or tags that could easily make R very unhappy. The current solution is to use the redirect from the steam id3 profile to get the custom profile for a player. These are relatively constant only a small number of people don’t have one.

logwnames <- getLog(map1UBFi55, useAltNames = TRUE)
log$table[,c("kills", "dmg")]

>                kills  dmg
> [U:1:31470213]    27 7503
> [U:1:10403381]    24 8215
> [U:1:2431135]      9 7405
> [U:1:25560164]     1  192
> [U:1:80143504]    15 6703
> [U:1:39592949]    15 8054
> [U:1:41611618]    14 7308
> [U:1:78056263]     0  266
> [U:1:25503021]    18 7212
> [U:1:40142806]    15 6786
> [U:1:47737701]    25 6692
> [U:1:47655495]    20 6738

Much better. These are stored in a csv file in ‘data/playerDict.csv’ and can be manually changed if the names aren’t pleasing. Using this, the third party utility only gets called when a new player is encountered.

How do you get the log IDs though? has a sequential ID scheme that on the basic level can be gathered in 2 different ways:

  1. Using the JSON search API
  2. Scraping pages

The second one looks bad because it would seem to warrant needless stress to the website. However, there is a archiving mechanism that saves the log IDs from the events in a JSON format in ‘data/eventArchive’. This means that to analyze a particular event it would only require 1 page hit for use whenever one wants the data. This was purposely made easily accessible and readable so that people can share these archives and make it so that the archives spans all TF2 events.

Here they are in action:

getLogIDsJSON(player = "[U:1:36568047]")

> Warning in parseJSONSearch(jsonSearch, num): More results may be online
> since you requested 10 matches and got 10 matches

>  [1] 1025340 1025269 1025208 1025142 1025107 1024372 1024059 1023981
>  [9] 1023921 1023072

getLogIDsComptf("Insomnia52", shReDownload = FALSE)[1:5]

> Upper_Round_1_match1_map1 Upper_Round_1_match2_map1 
>                  "426348"                  "426353" 
> Upper_Round_1_match3_map1 Upper_Round_1_match4_map1 
>                  "426329"                  "426324" 
> Upper_Round_1_match5_map1 
>                  "426327"

Normally if you don’t specify if you want to redownload the data from and its in the archive already, it will prompt you if you want to redownload. If its a new event it automatically scrapes the data and saves it into the archive.

So you now have a bunch of logs but want to do some analysis over all of them. Here is where “aggregateStats” come in. You can do per match statistics over any list of matches. Lets try this over i55 logs which are included as part of the package.


aggregateStats(i55)[,c("kills", "dmg", "gp")]

>                               kills       dmg gp
> [U:1:74858077]            5.5000000 2101.5000  2
> mophead127                6.0000000 2032.5000  2
> [U:1:119224189]           6.5000000 2626.5000  2
> PsychoClarkie             0.0000000   79.5000  2
> HobNobsTF2                6.5000000 2688.0000  2
> youkn0w                   6.0000000 2702.5000  2
> ashcp                    15.5000000 4579.3750 17
> b4nny                    18.3750000 7483.8125 17
> Duwatna                  12.6875000 6224.6875 16
> sdot_                     0.5000000  131.6250 16
> -1                       16.5625000 6178.7500 17
> zxzxzsxzsxzsxzzxazxaz    21.5000000 6120.8125 17
> yak404                   20.8333333 8228.3333  6
> MaxPayneNG               19.0000000 6485.6667  6
> oskartfol                22.5000000 6709.3333  6
> Drackk                   29.0000000 9170.0000  3
> mici-                     0.8333333  229.0000  6
> henghast                 18.5000000 4876.5000  3
> moursifanshawe           14.5000000 4654.0000  3
> stoyanovich              20.0000000 5728.5000  3
> [U:1:63821331]           19.0000000 6995.1667  6
> Nuseman                  16.0000000 6480.5000  3
> turbo264                  0.5000000  152.5000  3
> MattCV                   16.1666667 4455.0000  6
> [U:1:81039113]            2.0000000  578.5000  2
> Maxi7                    10.5000000 3614.5000  2
> Zafus                    13.0000000 3563.0000  2
> bigwizard4               15.0000000 6332.0000  2
> DaSwift                  14.5000000 5112.5000  2
> DanFromGrimsby            5.5000000 2977.0000  2
> kaidussssss              16.1666667 7251.0000 13
> [U:1:24249787]            0.5000000  122.1667 12
> vik6                     16.5833333 5536.6667 13
> [U:1:3790465]            18.1666667 7861.3333 13
> kaptains                 19.4166667 7179.0000 13
> Hafficool                17.0000000 5184.5000 13
> eepily                    9.5000000 4832.0000  2
> CaptainGinger             1.0000000  241.0000  2
> Gubbinsss                13.0000000 4166.0000  2
> sircupcake               11.5000000 5590.5000  2
> olearry                  10.0000000 3769.5000  2
> fribs                     4.5000000 2307.5000  2
> fgjhkslfjhaslekfjhaleskj 15.5000000 6496.7500 12
> Bdonski                  11.2500000 6382.5833 12
> TheFragile                0.6666667  199.8333 12
> xenema                   16.7500000 4435.0833 12
> sorando                  11.9166667 5544.5000 12
> shrugger94               14.3333333 4792.4167 12
> sweetfeetpete            11.5000000 6175.5000  2
> bagsbanijs                1.5000000  428.0000  2
> neotf2                    9.5000000 4053.5000  2
> Sepulch                  16.0000000 5829.0000  2
> En7ize                   11.0000000 3302.5000  2
> irppa                    17.5000000 4134.5000  2
> apubber                   0.5625000  173.8125 13
> starkiepoo               17.9375000 5667.8750 13
> [U:1:41611618]           16.1250000 5851.5000 13
> tek36                    19.1875000 7079.1250 13
> Flippy_AA                17.1875000 5828.0000 13
> ryb                      11.9375000 5928.8125 13
> McLime                   21.5000000 7266.5000  4
> turtletickler8           20.4000000 6241.4000  5
> Alfierulz                15.0000000 6201.0000  5
> Pheaassexynipples        18.2500000 6921.0000  4
> IceCubeFarmer            10.2500000 4029.0000  4
> Raptor00X                17.5000000 6247.0000  4
> warpzy                   13.0000000 4145.2500  4
> stormingsheep            20.2000000 5680.4000  5
> [U:1:106391137]          15.4000000 6942.4000  5
> fishage                   0.5000000  329.0000  4
> thatspudd                17.8000000 8414.4000  5
> kr4tos                    2.8000000  558.8000  5
> leticus                  14.5714286 6114.5714  7
> Smirre                   12.7142857 6353.1429  7
> ondkaja                  16.5714286 7416.0000  7
> vani-                     0.5714286  181.1429  7
> DenniaPlz                15.4285714 4566.1429  7
> philmac                  17.0000000 5326.6667  2
> danAnderson              16.0000000 6592.3333  2
> [U:1:38796065]           21.0000000 8971.6667  2
> [U:1:27767074]           19.5714286 5405.2857  7
> [U:1:114365291]          19.3333333 6799.3333  2
> craigcoleman              0.0000000  164.6667  2
> [U:1:1042154]            21.3333333 5769.0000  2
> serotone_alt_420          0.2222222  191.5556  6
> totoriffic               15.6666667 4610.1111  6
> WARHURYEAH               13.6666667 6769.8889  6
> The7alfa                 14.8888889 5904.5556  6
> amsii_                   14.0000000 6404.8889  6
> [U:1:15933145]           18.2222222 5175.7778  6

Here you have a gigantic table with all the players who played with per game stats for each of the columns in log$table. There is another column include here called “games played (gp)” which each match is averaged against. Now averages are cool, but what if you want another function like standard deviation or a random user made function? Both can be done as shown below.

aggregateStats(i55, sd)[1:5,c("kills", "dmg", "gp")]

>                     kills        dmg gp
> [U:1:74858077]  2.1213203  929.84542  2
> mophead127      2.8284271  193.04015  2
> [U:1:119224189] 0.7071068  605.99051  2
> PsychoClarkie   0.0000000   30.40559  2
> HobNobsTF2      0.7071068 1657.45830  2

bestStat <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE){ x[1] + x[2] }
aggregateStats(i55, bestStat)[1:5,c("kills", "dmg", "gp")]

>                 kills  dmg gp
> [U:1:74858077]     11 4203  2
> mophead127         12 4065  2
> [U:1:119224189]    13 5253  2
> PsychoClarkie       0  159  2
> HobNobsTF2         13 5376  2

This opens the data set to all kinds of possibilities ranging from detecting trends in the meta, to machine learning the results for next season.

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